Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Few valuable tips for first time home buyer

Every home owner has to go through initial hiccups of negotiations that are involved during first time home purchase. Lenders grab the opportunity of dealing with first time home buyer because they are most vulnerable and confused lot. They are unaware of the intricacies of home buying.

Every home owner has to go through initial hiccups of negotiations that are involved during first time home purchase. Lenders grab the opportunity of dealing with first time home buyer because they are most vulnerable and confused lot. They are unaware of the intricacies of home buying. Lenders are likely to squeeze new buyers, that is the reason such borrowers should get proper counselling before entering into any kind of deal.

There are certain steps that has to be followed by first time home buyer.
• Select the location that you want to live
• First decide the entire budget for purchase or to build the house
• In order to know about the various home financing option, consult any qualified and competent home loan advisor or broker
• Make elaborate decision about the home loans you are likely to avail, whichever loan suits you as per your financial position
• Try to find how much you can contribute as initial down payment
• Try to approach the lender who is in position to understand your circumstance well and provide a befitting financial solution
• If you have any bad credit because of county court judgements,IVA’s, defaults, arrears or insolvency , try to repair it through the firms who are specialised in this field before applying for home loan

Online search for the home loan can be a wise decision. Most of the high street lenders have their own websites and they operate through it for providing loan to their borrowers. You can ask for their quotes and compare. Remember, someties building societies offer cheaper loans than renowned lenders.