Some people are in financial trouble. The creditors will not stop calling you. Your debts are piling up. You are at the end of your rope. You are in a panic. What to do now. Should I file for personal bankruptcy?
The benefits of filing for personal bankruptcy will allow you to re-establish and get good credit again. Getting a discharge when filing bankruptcy can end the harassment and marital stress. Personal bankruptcy will put a stop to all creditors, garnishments, foreclosure, evictions, etc. Filing for bankruptcy can also protect some of your property so it will not be taken over by your creditors.
Now of course, there is a flip side to everything. Some reasons in not to file bankruptcy and the disadvantages are, if you really do not have large debts, then why file. If you have property that is already exempt, then why file. If you have any assets that are way over the exemption limits, this will be turned over the bankruptcy trustee and sold to pay off your creditors. Look into this extremely well and consult with a lawyer before your filing. You have to also remember that a bankruptcy filing can stay on your credit report for 10 years. Sometimes filing for bankruptcy may not work in your favor. You might loose property or you may have some major debt that will not be discharge for one reason or another. Consult with a lawyer first before filing bankruptcy to see if this going to be worth it or not.
If you do decide to file for personal bankruptcy, this will be a very important decision you will have to make. Finding a good lawyer to guide you through this will be best. You should get guidance and have your questions answered before deciding to file for personal bankruptcy. Make sure to keep and get your records in order without making any mistakes or errors. Make sure you find a lawyer that you are comfortable with and one that has your best interest at heart.
Look to your employer to see if their is some kind of employee assistance program available. Their are also some public funded legal services available that do not charge attorney fees for personal bankruptcy. Do your search on this.
Make sure you list all of your creditors. If you forget to list any creditors, then the ones you did not list can still come after you to pay up even after filing bankruptcy. Anyone and everyone you co-signed with or if they have co-signed with you, make sure these debts are listed on your list of debts.
There has been many changes in the law when it comes to filing bankruptcy. It has been made harder for individuals to file under Chapter 7. Filing Chapter 7 is alot easier in clearing your debt in order to get a fresh start. The system has made it harder to file Chapter 7. You may end up having to file Chapter 13 because this chapter will require you to repay at least half of your debt. And the law wants it this way. Do your research very well when it comes to filing and make sure you talk to a good lawyer about this.
At the end of your filing usually 3 months after, you will be able to start a new credit profile. Just make sure you do not come in contact with your old creditors. They could get you to sign a reaffirmation of your old debt that has already been discharged when you first filed bankruptcy. Be careful and always read everything thoroughly.
You will soon have to make the decision to take some kind of action. Before you decide to file, maybe you should look into getting help from a local financial counseling program.You can also look into finding a experienced credit counselor who is experienced in negotiating with creditors. You have some credit counselors out there who are very good at this. Do your research in finding these kind excellent credit counselors and who they are. Investigate their services and their credentials .Consider also contacting the Better Business Bureau by calling or going online.
Filing for bankruptcy which is provided for in the Constitution is your right under the law. It is intended to provide a fresh start for a individual. Big corporations and celebrities file for bankruptcy all the time. Your lawyer should not be too busy to meet with you to discuss your options here. Get consultation from a lawyer so you will be more equip to make that final decision of whether file for personal bankruptcy or not.