The challenge based business home idea
It's not just the fun or the money bit that might prompt you to get going with a home based business idea. It could be the thrill and the challenge of a home based business idea. In that sense, your home based business idea can also be called a challenge based business home idea (or challenge-based business-from-home idea). A challenge based business home idea is one that is full of challenges. Such a challenge based business home idea is meant for only those people who love sitting tight to work their way through challenges. A challenge based business home idea gives them the thrill they so much cherish. All home businesses (in fact, all businesses not just home based ones) are challenge based business home ideas with the degree of challenge varying from idea to idea.
Maintaining a balance with a challenge based business home idea
The challenge here is to convert that challenge based business home idea into a profit based business home idea (without messing up with your life too much). Whether you operate your challenge based business home idea as a full time business or a part time one, you will always be short of time and money. A challenge based business home idea would need a lot of dedication and hard work especially during the initial start-up stage. A challenge based business home idea will convert your home into a 'business home'. It will demand a lot of time and you might find it difficult to maintain a work-life balance (one of the biggest challenges with a challenge based business home idea). Start-up expenses and running costs form the other important challenge for a challenge based business home idea.
Getting a partner to make it a profit based business home idea
Getting a partner (or partners) can be the solution to most of the challenges associated with a challenge based business home idea. Partners would not only help reduce the financial burden on you (by contributing towards start-up expenses and running costs for the challenge based business home idea) but also share your burden of responsibilities (hence helping you maintain a better work-life balance). Moreover, a partner (or partners) will also bring-in new perspectives and ideas for your challenge based business home idea. Hence, getting a partner (or partners) can help you convert a challenge based business home idea into a profit based business home idea quite easily (though getting a good partner is a challenge in itself). Yes, having a partner means that you will need to share your profits with your partner but that is a much better than running a challenge based business home idea with all those problems of work-life balance etc.