That means working on a consistent basis to keep your personal finance house in order. You say really, how do I go about doing this? There are many ways for you to keep your own personal finances in order. Here are some tips on how you can go about doing this:
1) Create a personal finance budget for yourself and your family if you have one. You can do this by categorizing how your money is spent such as; rent, mortgage, food, entertainment, utilities, credit and debit card expenditures, savings, income, travel, etc... You get the idea. Just categorize your budget with what makes you comfortable. You may also want to utilize a software program to assist you with the budget you create. You may want to consider a software program that has a spreadsheet. By the way, you may want to do your budget on a monthly basis. Your budget should assist you in determining where your money actually goes!
2) By all means get your credit report and credit score! You may want consider running your credit report on an annual basis. Did you know that you’re entitled to a free copy of your credit report from each of the credit bureaus(Equifax,TransUnion,Experian) every year? You can secure a copy of your credit report by going through So, go ahead and order your credit report so you can check it for accuracy. If you have any problems with your report, you’ll need to contact the particular credit bureau directly. The contact information will be provided when you’ve secured a copy of your credit report. By the way, you’ll have to pay a few dollars extra to get your credit score separately from the credit bureaus. But, it’s well worth it, to know how your credit is being scored for your overall credit.
3) Work on determining from your budget and credit report what problems you may have with your finances. These tools should assist you in what you need to do to improve or maintain your finances. It’s like a snapshot of where your money is going. So you don’t have to ask the question, where did all of my money go?
4) Consider working on adding if you haven’t already done so, savings to your budget. You may be saying, I barely have enough to make ends meet, how can I save money? Well, you can! Just say yes you can to yourself. A good way to start is by saving your change. That’s right just start by saving your change. You’d be surprised the amount of money you can save by doing this. You can also, set aside a certain amount of money on weekly, biweekly or monthly basis that you’d like to save. Make the amount of money you save realistic, so you can stick to your savings plan.
5) Set future financial projections for where you want to be with your budget in say one to five years. You may want to consider doing this to achieve your possible short and long term goals. For example, if you decide that you want to purchase a home in two to three years, a future financial budget projection may assist you in knowing how much money you need to save to achieve this goal. Or, maybe you plan to retire in five years, again your future budget projection may assist you with this plan.
6) Take a closer look at your credit and debit card expenses in order to assist you in tracking how you are spending your money. This may help you determine if you’re spending too much money in certain areas if you’re trying to save.
7) Check to see if your financial house is in order in reference to your insurance such as; vehicle insurance, medical insurance, rental insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, disability insurance etc... Make sure you have the insurance you need for yourself and your family. You may want to consider doing an annual check-up on your insurance, before the renewal due dates. This will give you the opportunity to reassess the insurance you currently have. You’ll be glad that you did!
So, now you have it! That’s what doing your personal finance homework means. You should be on your way to getting a handle on your personal finances if you have not already done so. You’ll be better prepared to manage your finances.