Budgeting Your Debt Away
Tips to get out of debt start with one that is absolutely essential to payoff debt. And that is to set up a budget you can live with, then follow it. Keep a diary of all money spent, whether it is by cash, check, credit card, etc. Once you know where your money is going, then, and only then, can you take the steps needed to prepare a good budget that you can live with and make huge strides to budgeting your debt away.
Comb through your budget and cut out the waste. This is essential to getting your financial life back on track. Some of those things you thought you couldn't live without are draining your money, and may only be conveniences you don't really need. You have to be ruthless in deciding what stays in your budget and what gets eliminated. But the time and effort you spend here, will determine the success or failure of your money saving endeavors.
Which Bills To Payoff First?
Once you have established a budget you can live with, determine how much extra you can spare to apply to your bills on a monthly basis. But don't forget to pay yourself first! Set aside money for savings, and rainy days, every payday and stick to it. Use this money for emergencies, and special things for your family. This will help keep those credit cards in your wallet, and out of the cashier's hands.
Earmark larger payments to the higher interest accounts first. Once these are reduced, or gone, then apply that extra money to the next highest interest accounts. Stay with one bill until it is paid off, don't try to "spread" the extra money to extra payments on several bills at the same time. You need the emotional reinforcement of seeing your debt reducing quickly in order to stay focused on debt reduction and living within your budget.
Creditors use home budgeting guidelines when reviewing and approving credit. If your debt exceeds the financial communities recommended guidelines, then you have a higher risk of credit applications being denied. Plus, you will pay more interest since you will be perceived as a higher risk.
Getting, and keeping, your debt in line with recommended guidelines, is an important step in debt relief and debt recovery. Use the following guidelines to review the items in your budget, and make special note of expenses that are out of line:
- Housing 35% - Mortgage or rent, taxes, repairs, improvements, insurance, and utilities
- Transportation 20% - Monthly payments, gas, oil, repairs, insurance, parking & public transportation
- Debt Budget 15% - Credit cards, personal loans, student loans & other debt payments
- All other expenses 20% - Food, insurance, prescriptions, doctor & dentist bills, clothing & personal
- Investments & Savings Budget 10% - Stocks, bonds, cash reserves, art, etc.
Next to each item that is out of line, make notes as to why you think they are out of line with recommended guidelines. Be honest, be brutal, but write it down. It is the only way to ensure that you consciously accept the reasons for your debt problem so that you can fix it permanently. Remember, debt relief is a temporary solution, only you can make debt problems disappear for good.
If you find one home budgeting guideline percentage to be more than you need, or less than you need for your personal situation, feel free to take from one to give to another. Keep in mind though, you want to eventually get your debt budget down to, or below, that 15% recommended guideline. That has to be your primary goal if you are using Home Budgeting Guidelines for debt relief.
Modern Budget Tracking
Many people find that tracking a budget manually too time consuming. We found a unique and easy to use budgeting software product that will help you automatically track all you spending and to easily create and maintain a personal budget called Mvelopes Personal. Mvelopes Personal is a remarkable new spending management system that actually tracks your spending as it happens. It's a modern version of the traditional envelope based system. Mvelopes provides daily balance information for each of your spending categories, or envelopes, so that you always know how much money you have left to spend, and also, how long it has to last. This enables you to make better spending decisions and stick to your budget plan. It really works. With Mvelopes Personal you can begin to manage your spending, and lay the foundation for reaching your financial goalshttp://www.personalfinancebudgeting.com/home_budget.php